Mental Health

Mental Health: Concentration in Rehabilitation Counseling

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心理健康和康复咨询共同致力于提高残疾人和有心理健康问题的人的生活质量. 亚洲博彩平台排名的心理健康研究生证书是为持有康复咨询或相关领域硕士学位并有兴趣获得国家心理健康咨询师执照的学生设计的.

Promote Universal Justice for People With Disabilities

我们的四门课程的研究生证书授权专业人士倡导无障碍, 以证据为基础的精神卫生规划,其基础是相信精神疾病患者的机会应与所有其他公民的机会平等.

The interdisciplinary curriculum draws from psychology, education, behavioral sciences and biological sciences to prepare clinically skilled, knowledgeable and committed rehabilitation and mental health professionals.

Number of Courses



Program Format


Online (Synchronous)



$2,190 per course

Course Requirements

亚洲博彩平台排名的心理健康研究生证书是为拥有咨询硕士学位的专业人士设计的,该学位少于大多数州要求的60学分. 虽然该计划是仿照国家标准的心理健康咨询执照, 我们建议学生探索他们打算实习的州的具体要求. 如果需要,可以增加额外的课程以达到要求的60学分.

Required courses:

  • RHB515: Assessment and Treatment Planning
  • RHB603: Psychopharmacology for the Mental Health Professional
  • RHB608: Advanced Internship I and Seminar: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • RHB609: Advanced Internship II and Seminar: Trauma-Informed Care

Licensure in Mental Health Counseling


Students must also confirm one of the following:

  • 你目前在心理健康领域工作,并且在10年或更短的时间内从你以前的硕士学位项目毕业.
  • 你目前不是在心理健康领域工作,但在6年或更短的时间内从你以前的硕士学位课程毕业.

Professional licensure disclosure

This course familiarizes students with the assessment process, 如何结合DSM-5和ICD-10访谈和使用评估工具来制定诊断和治疗计划. 它比较了标准评估技术和面向过程的面试. This course provides an introduction to the principles, concepts, 为咨询目的评估人类经验的方法和应用. Topics include the history and philosophy behind measurement and assessment in clinical mental health counseling; psychometric concepts; common assessment formats for measuring constructs such as personality and behavior; clinical decision-making, diagnostic assessment, clinical interviewing and treatment planning; and holistic considerations within assessment.

本课程探讨药物药理学和药物相互作用的基本原理. 教师回顾当前的精神药物治疗方案,以及草药和营养品补充心理治疗和治疗干预. 它是所有心理健康专业人士的入门读物,他们想要更多地了解他们的客户开的药物,以及它如何影响他们的生活质量和整体健康.

本次研讨会提供了过去和现在的心理治疗方法的全面概述, with the primary focus on the cognitive behavioral, evidence-based therapeutic intervention, 辩证行为疗法用于治疗边缘型人格障碍以及其他与心理健康相关的问题. 学生通过演讲和随后的实地工作实践,熟悉并洞察这种干预的实际应用. Additionally, 本次研讨会讨论在危机期间对精神健康残疾者进行危机干预的原则, disasters and trauma-causing events. 学生将学习如何运用有效的危机评估工具,为处于压倒性情绪动荡中的客户提供建议,并根据上述工具推荐适当的临床干预措施. 作为临床康复和心理健康咨询实习生,学生需要在四个月的时间内完成至少500小时的实习. 学生每周必须接受一小时的教学指导,由一名M.A.-level licensed on-site counselor approved by the University.

本课程提供创伤性应激障碍治疗的全面概述, including neurobiological impacts, etiology and conceptualization of diagnosis and treatment. 在临床环境中检查和实践最佳实践和相关的循证评估实践. This course presents the latest research in treatment and interventions, including cultural considerations, 为治疗这一人群的临床医生提供社区支持和自我保健. 学生为创伤幸存者群体制定一个案例公式和治疗计划,可以作为后续使用的实用模板. This course is also second advanced internship. 学生继续作为临床康复和心理健康顾问实习至少200小时.

Our Faculty

Our faculty are seasoned professionals who are experts in their field. 教师与学生一对一地工作,以满足他们的个人需求,同时作为以职业为中心的导师.​​

Meet Our Faculty



Courses are billed individually at the start of each class. Please note that there is a $60 registration fee per semester.

Tuition Reimbursement


If your employer is paying all or part of your tuition, we will arrange payment directly from your employer where possible.

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Our certificate programs are eligible for federal student loans. To qualify, you must complete two courses per semester.

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Military and



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