Criminal Justice and Cybersecurity M.S. 学位

在线 Master's 学位 in Criminal Justice and Cybersecurity

Choose a Program of Study That Best Serves Your Career Goals


获得的知识和技能,你需要在当今日益增长的技术和全球环境中取得成功与硕士学位的刑事司法和网络安全从亚洲博彩平台排名. 以灵活的方式提供, 完全在线格式, 我们的计划解决了司法和执法领导人以及网络安全和情报专家和商业专业人士的需求和要求.

With available concentrations in leadership, 情报 and cyberthreat management and response, our program enables practitioners, 管理者和领导者选择最有利于他们职业目标的课程. Outside the classroom, our dedicated criminal justice and cybersecurity faculty 与学生密切合作,以满足他们的个人需求,同时作为职业导师, helping students to build their professional network.

In addition to the master's degree, we also offer graduate certificates in cyberthreat management and response, 情报 and analysis tradecraft, 司法领导, 允许学生用当前和相关的主题拓宽和提高他们的职业生涯. And through our popular 加速产品, 合格的本科生可以在短短五年内获得学士和硕士学位.



结合B.A./M.S. 通路



12 courses (36 credits)

Average time to complete


18 - 24个月



Fall, spring and summer starts available


亚洲博彩平台排名的刑事司法和网络安全硕士学位为学生实现他们的学术和职业目标做好准备. 无论你是第一次进入工作场所,还是在这个领域工作,你都想让自己成为一个更有影响力和效率的实践者和领导者, our program will position you for success in your chosen field.




Offered in a 完全在线格式, 我们的刑事司法和网络安全项目提供七周的模块课程, allowing students to progress rapidly through their master's degree. 这种模式适应了分配不同班次的专业人员以及在美国各地工作或部署的专业人员的时间需求.S. 在其他国家.

Practitioners as Teachers

With longtime experience in their profession, our faculty know their craft. Using a blend of academic and practice approaches, they teach not just theory, 还包括如何将其应用到学生所选领域的工作中. Through small class sizes and personal attention, these dedicated faculty offer each student a high-touch educational experience.

Purpose-Driven Education

The evolving role of professionals in justice, 政府和行业需要创新的领导,创造一种以尊重为基础的文化和氛围, 道德与诚信. Guided by 亚洲博彩平台排名's mercy mission, 我们的刑事司法和网络安全项目培养学生以同理心和同情心为社区服务.

Shane Bowes

在我的整个教育过程中,Salve慈善使命的人道主义价值观逐渐灌输给我,这让我在为受害者提供同理心服务时更加自如. Salve is fostering a harmonious, just and merciful perspective on life. It was interesting to see this in the context of the law enforcement field, as it shaped the way I problem solve now in my everyday work.

Shane Bowes '20, '22 (M), Connecticut state trooper

Criminal Justice and Cybersecurity Curriculum

亚洲博彩平台排名的12门课程(36学分)刑事司法和网络安全硕士学位旨在适应工作专业人员的非常规时间表, including those on overseas deployment. While this degree is offered in a flexible, 完全在线格式, select courses may also be available at our Newport, 罗德岛校区.


  • CJC506: Theories of Justice
  • CJC514: Psychological Concepts for Justice Professionals
  • CJC520: Effective Communication and Perspective Taking
  • CJC532: Cyber Terrorism
  • CJC563: Criminal Justice Research Methods
  • CJC576: High Technology Crime

学生还可以选择一个专注的领域(网络威胁管理和响应), 智力或领导力)或选择六门选修课,以形成一个个性化的学习计划,以满足他们的个人和职业目标.



在私营部门和地方工作的网络安全和执法专业人员, 区域, 国家和国际层面需要一种教育,使他们为国内外影响网络安全和网络威胁的挑战做好准备. 在回应, 该课程旨在帮助学生获得行业领先的基础网络安全认证,并通过必修课程应用基础网络智能和网络安全概念. 然后,学生们选择四门选修课,使他们的网络教育与自己的需求保持一致, including security operations center work, 取证, 情报, analysis and cyberthreat management.

Additional required courses:

  • CJC534: Cyber Fundamentals
  • CJC543: Cyber 情报

Students also choose four of the following:

  • CJC526: Principles of Digital Forensics
  • CJC530: Cyberthreat Analysis
  • CJC531: Cyberthreat Management
  • CJC537: Network Forensics and Incident Response
  • CJC546:内部威胁
  • CJC556: Open Source 情报
  • CJC570: Cybersecurity Law
  • CJC579: State Sponsored Advanced Persistent Threats
  • CJC581:专题
  • HCA530: Cybersecurity and Resiliency in Health Care Administration


情报专业人员需要专门的调查和分析过程和工具,以一种合乎道德的方式开展工作,同时成功地保护他们所负责的人. 在回应, this concentration prepares them to gather information, 以一种减少他们偏见影响的方式分析它并记录它,并提高信息对情报消费者和决策者的有用性.

Additional required courses:

  • CJC519:你.S. 情报 or CJC543: Cyber 情报
  • CJC550: 情报 Writing and Communicating
  • CJC556: Open Source 情报
  • CJC560: Structured Analytic Techniques

Students also choose two of the following:

  • CJC518: Domestic and Global Challenges Shaping Public Policy
  • CJC530: Cyberthreat Analysis
  • CJC531: Cyberthreat Management
  • CJC546:内部威胁
  • CJC579: Advanced Persistent Threat: Tactics, Techniques and Procedures
  • CJC581:专题

在领导能力的集中发展的知识和必要的技能,在当今充满挑战的多元文化中取得成功, technological and collaborative environment.

司法领域的专业人员的任务是在资源有限的情况下减少和管理犯罪, 保护公众, improving community perceptions, organizing agencies and departments in a collaborative environment. They must establish and maintain high standards of integrity and ethical values, 并以一种反映这些价值观并加强其组织的方式进行领导.

Additional required courses:

  • CJC518: Domestic and Global Challenges Shaping Public Policy
  • CJC521: Critical 领导 Opportunities
  • CJC524: Emergency Management and Critical Incident Response
  • CJC528: Cultivating Organizational Culture
  • CJC540: Executive 领导 Development

Students also choose one of the following electives:

  • CJC531: Cyberthreat Management
  • CJC581:专题
  • HCA530: Cybersecurity and Resilience in Health Care Administration
  • MGT567: Creative Problem Solving

建立人际关系和走出舒适区是亚洲博彩平台排名教给我的一些最好的技巧,无论是在个人生活还是在工作上. 这个项目通过实习积累了实践经验,为我的成功打下了基础. I had the opportunity to intern for Raytheon's cybersecurity unit, which added tremendous value, both technical and non-technical, 我的简历. 我很幸运地在毕业前两个月就得到了一家咨询公司的全职工作.

杰里米·文图拉 '13, '14 (M), field CISO, Myriad360


我们的刑事司法和网络安全硕士学位毕业生在情报管理和领导成功, justice and security sectors. Offered online with three concentration options, 我们的项目使在职专业人士能够按照自己的条件追求自己的职业生涯.